Avoiding The 2020 Apocalypse

Hello Wild Ones! I hope everyone is staying safe during all the chaos that is going on around the world. Thankfully we are located in a pretty remote area out here in Eastern Oregon so it hasn't hit us too hard. Although, we may be dodging the virus, the Universe has still thrown some curve balls our way. But hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? 

Currently at Sage Wild there are quite a few projects in the works. I tend to start "too many" ideas at once, and sometimes I get halfway through a project and won't touch it again for months (pretty sure I have a half finished piece of bead work from a year ago). But you guys (and gals) when I say my brain is overflowing with ideas, I'm not kidding. If I had the time to create every single thing I think up it would surely blow some minds. I have a deep burning desire to create nonstop, and I want to create something new and different each and every time. This is both a blessing and curse. A blessing because, well, of course having a brain full of amazing ideas and the ability to make them come to life is AWESOME. As awesome as having new ideas is though, it is also a curse. I struggle A LOT with making multiples of the same piece, even in different color variations. I create the patterns and designs for the bead work myself, so watching them come to life and be completed is my favorite part of the making process. With that said though, once a pattern is beaded and the product is complete, I already know what the rest will look like. That takes away a little bit of the excitement of seeing the finished product and as a result makes me want to just move onto the next design. Upside to not liking to make multiples of the same product: Uniqueness. As I continue to create new items, any products I do make in "bulk" will still be limited, and I don't plan to ever change that. Now there will be some exceptions, but I strive for uniqueness and want to keep it that way. So as we all navigate through this madness I ask just one thing from all of you....

KEEP BEING YOU! The world around us is changing as we know it, and that means we must change too. But that does not mean that you should for one single second stop being your best, most unique, self. We all have to adapt and make compromises, but we must all still stick to our beliefs and continue to be our most true self. I hope that if any of you are on quarantine with nothing but your own brain, you take a moment each day to listen to that brain up there. Take this time to either embrace what it is that makes you unique, or if you don't know what that is yet, find it. We may all be human, but we were not all put on this earth to be the same human. The Universe is giving humanity a wake up call. So wake up and start living the life you are meant to live.

Stay Safe, Wash Your Hands, Smile At Your Neighbor, Stay Home If You Can, but most importantly.....

Stay >>WILD<<

Mary Kate

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